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Open House at SRH University

The Open House will give you a chance to get lots of information.

SRH University organizes an online Open House on Saturday, the 19th February starting at 10:00 Berlin time.

Students wishing to attend and learn more about the university, benefits that it provides, to hear real experiences of alumni are welcome to register now. There are still a few spots left for the 2022 SRH University Open House.

The Open House will give you a chance to get lots of information from the professors on many different study programs at SRH as well as an opportunity to ask any general questions you may have about your application and scholarships.

You can sign up here.

Currently, the University covers 6 schools operating in Berlin, Dresden, and Hamburg cities. University offers various services which accompany the students throughout their study period providing them full support and assistance with any issues they confront.

You can address your questions to our experienced education counselors through email.

Join us at TESS to enjoy a plentitude of benefits aside from several services which greatly aid in your advancement regarding higher education.